Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Rashes are often symptoms of food allergies. It is suggested that you avoid common allergens such as milk and wheat products, eggs, meats (that usually have nitrates), refined foods, sugar and fried foods.

Consider eating a diet full of leafy greens, and other mineral-rich foods, such as sea vegetables to rebuild healthy tissue and good adrenal function. Begin using poly or mono-unsaturated oils. Reduce both dietary fats and total calories. Also eat cultured foods frequently for healthy G.I. flora.

Avoid fried foods, red meats, caffeine, chocolate, pasteurized dairy products, and sugary carbohydrates.

In the book Healthy Healing by Linda Page, there is a skin mix suggested of 1/4 cup each: wheat germ, molasses and brewer's yeast; take 2 TBS daily.

Let me know if this information helps you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Keppi! Is yogurt pasteurized?
    You know I love the Linda Page book but she offers SO MANY possibilities that I become overwhelmed. Do you know what I mean?
    The skin mix - do I take it orally or put it on my face?
    And one more question, why do we peel the stewed apples? And is it "better" to eat them stewed rather than raw? I am obsessive about my at-least-one-apple-a-day routine:) but I always eat it raw with skin.
