Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Replacing Old Patterns-more from Louise L. Hay

Louise L. Hay, in her booklet 'Heal Your Body," explains that in order to permanently eliminate a condition, we must first work to dissolve the mental cause. But most often, since we don't know what the cause is, we find it difficult to know where to begin.

In her booklet Louise L. Hay provides clues to find the causes and a helpful guide for building new thought patterns that will produce health in mind and body.

She believes that for every condition in our lives, there's a need for it. Otherwise, we wouldn't have it. The symptom is only an outer effect. We must go within to dissolve the mental cause. This is why willpower and discipline don't work. They're only battling the outer effects. She describes it like cutting down the weed instead of getting the root out. Louise suggests that we work on the willingness to release the need for the cigarettes, the headaches, the excess weight, or whatever. When the need is gone, the outer effect must die. No plant can live if the root is cut away.

The mental thought patterns that cause the most dis-ease in the body are criticism, anger, resentment, and guilt. Louise explains that criticism indulged in long enough will often lead to dis-ease such as arthritis. Anger turns into things that boil, burn, and infect the body. Resentment long held festers and eats away at the self and ultimately can lead to tumors and cancer . Guilt always seeks punishment and leads to pain. Louse L. Hay encourages us to release these negative thinking patterns from our minds when we're healthy rather than try to dig them out when we're in a state of panic and under the threat of the surgeon's knife.

The healing affirmations or the list of mental equivalents she offers has been completed from many years of study. I will list an example of the problem, her description of a probable cause, and her suggestion of a new thought pattern.

Excessive: Fear. Needing protection.   Judging the emotions.    I am safe.    It is safe to feel.    My feelings are normal and acceptable.

Loss of: Fear. Protecting the self. Not trusting life.    I love and approve of myself.     I am safe.    Life is safe and joyous.

There are pages and pages of healing affirmations to encourage our thoughts to be loving and accepting of ourselves. Please look to her book for "The mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them."

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