Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Three Gunas

In the unmanifested Universe, energy has three qualities, known as Gunas, that exist together in equilibrium: Sattvic (purity); Rajas (activity, passion, the process of change); and Tamas (darkness, inertia). Once energy takes form, one quality of the three predominates. Thus on an apple tree, some of the fruit is ripe(sattvic), some ripening (rajasic), and some overripe (tamasic). But no matter which quality prevails, an element of each of the other two will always be present as well. Most of an individual apple will be ripe, but part will be rotten, even if the naked eye cannot see it, and part will be in the process of changing from one state to the other.

The Sivananda Companion to Yoga explains that the three Gunas encompass all existence, all actions. Only in enlightenment are the Gunas completely transcended. This state of enlightenment is known as samadhi.

Food is necessary for our well-being. But as well as this it also has a subtle effect on our minds, since the essence of food forms the mind. A natural diet-a pure or "sattvic" one- is based on fresh, light, nutritional food such as fruit, grains, and vegetables. It keeps the body lean and limber and the mind clear and sharp, making it most suitable for the practice of yoga.

Sattvic food-this is considered the purest diet. It nourishes the body and maintains it in a peaceful state. And it calms and purifies the mind, enabling it to function at its maximum potential. A sattvic diet thus leads to true health; with a balanced flow of energy between the body and mind. Sattvic foods include cereals, wholemeal bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, pure fruit juices, milk, butter and cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds, honey, and herb teas.

Rajasic food-foods that are very hot, bitter, sour, dry or salty are rajasic. It is felt that they destroy the mind-body equilibrium, feeding the body at the expense of the mind. Too much rajasic food will over- stimulate the body and excite the passions, making the mind restless and uncontrollable. Rajasic foods include hot substances, such as sharp spices or strong herbs, stimulants, like coffee and tea, and fish, eggs, salt, and chocolate. Eating in a hurry is also considered rajasic.

Tamasic food-benefits neither the mind nor the body. Prana, or energy is withdrawn, powers of reasoning become clouded and a sense of inertia sets in. The body's resistance to disease is destroyed and the mind filled with dark emotions, such as anger and greed. Tamasic items include meat, alcohol, tobacco, onions, garlic, fermented foods such as vinegar, and stale or overripe substances. Overeating is also regarded as tamasic.

"Let the yogi eat moderately and abstemiously; otherwise, however clever, he cannot gain success." Siva Samhita


  1. Keppi - This is a very neat site! I have a long way to go with my diet and natural foods so I look forward to reading everything. Thanks so much for being a terrific teacher at S&H - you will be missed when you move west. I am happy for you that you will be closer to more of your family.

  2. Hi David,
    When I think David Selby, I think partner yoga. Who doesn't? What a lovely thought!!
