Saturday, June 20, 2009

Main Meals with Herbs-Plant Based Flavorings

Flavoring- Miso: fermented soya bean pate, the lighter coloured varieties contain less salt. Use in sauces, soups, stew, and as a delicous spread.

Flavoring- Soya sauce: Fermented soya beans: rice, barley, or wheat: check the labels for additives. Use in Asian dishes, instead of salt.

Tamari- Wheat-free soya sauce: Use as soya sauce, suitable for those on a gluten free diet.

Gomasio- Ground, toasted sesame seeds mixed into powder with salt: Use as salt substitute, low sodium.

Yeast extract- Yeast, high in B vitamins and salt: Use as a savory spread, soups, stews, and use sparingly.

Mustard- Mustard seeds: french varieties, often contain vinegar; spices, and herbs, such as tarragon.

Vanilla essence- Distilled from vanilla pods: Sweet dishes, custards, fruits, ice-cream, and confections.

Pesto- Fresh basil, olive oil, garlic, pine- nuts, parmesean cheese, lemon- pounded into a paste: Classic ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine; sauce for pasta; soups, dressing for vegetables and salads.

Delicious recipe for Curry Spiced Mushrooms:

Serve with bread and lemon wedges.

1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons, chopped corriander
1/2 teaspoon each of ground corriander, cumin, fenugreek, paprika
A little each ground chili, mixed spice, black pepper, turmeric
2 oz butter
16 large flat or cap mushrooms

Mix all ingredients together and serve with bread and lemon wedges.

The New Age Herbalist- Richard Mabey.

1 comment:

  1. you have no idea what would happen to me if i even LOOKED at black pepper.
