Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vitamin D and Calcium

seaweed and watercress

VITAMIN D stimulates calcium absorption and supports blood clotting, nervous system function, and the growth of bones and teeth. For the most part, the body manufactures its own vitamin D through a process stimulated by exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays (as from sunlight). Certain foods, however, provide small amounts of dietary vitamin D.

Alfalfa leaves, Basil, Chickweed, Bee pollen, Fenugreek seeds, Leafy green vegetables (especially watercress), Horsetail, Mullein, Nettles, papayas, Parsley, Shiitake mushroom, Sunflower seeds and sunflower greens, Sweet potatoes, Wheatgrass.

CALCIUM helps the formation of bones, teeth, and muscles. It helps maintain a regular heartbeat, prevents muscle cramps, and enhances the transmission of nerve impulses.

Almonds, Beans (especially black, garbanzo, lentil, pinto, soy, and white), Brazil nuts, Broccoli, Carob, Dandelion greens, Figs (fresh and dried), Hazelnuts/filberts, Leafy green vegetables (especially beet, collard, mustard, and turnip greens, and kale), Miso, Oats, Seaweeds (especially dulse, hiziki, kelp, Kombu, and wakame), Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Yogurt.
Facts about VITAMIN D-
.Vitamin D is a hormone.
.Fatty salmon and mackerel are good sources of vitamin D.
.Age is one factor that will affect an individuals ability to produce vitamin D.
.Vitamin D produces a protein called cathelicidin, commonly referred to as the natural antibiotic.
.To ensure adequate levels of vitamin D for individuals living in northern areas with colder climates and less sunshine, the recommendation is to take a supplement.
.Vitamin D intake, even in minimal amounts, can reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis in women as much as 70 percent.
.Taking vitamin D has been shown to prevent and treat illness, as it will reduce blood pressure by 9 percent.
.Experts agree that the 25OH blood test should be used in checking vitamin D levels.'
.Average adults need 2,000U a day for their adult lives.
.Nursing mothers need 7,000U a day while nursing.
.Heavier and elder adults need 5,000U a day.
John E. Whitcomb MD
Rawsome! Brigitte Mars

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