Friday, November 13, 2009

Little Piggy

Pigs are smarter than dogs and every bit as friendly, loyal, and affectionate. Pigs can play video games far more successfully than dogs can and even better than some primates can (watch a video about this at PETA .org). Asked to compare a pig's cognitive development to that of a 3-year-old human child, professor Donald Broom of Cambridge University Veterinary School says, "Pigs have the cognitive ability to be quite sophisticated. Even more so than dogs and certainly more so than 3 year-olds."
Cruelty free choices include: Lightlife: Smart Bacon, Gimme Lean! sausage style. Yves: veggie bologna, turkey and salami. Nate's: meatless meatballs. Health is Wealth: buffalo wings, chicken-free patties, chicken-free nuggets. Lightlife: Smart Ground. White Wave: Chicken-style seitan. Lightlife: Smart Dogs.


  1. aaaawwww! i want a little piglet for christmas!

  2. Me too!! Love seeing Pal's beautiful picture on your wall at home. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
