Saturday, April 23, 2011

J.J. Virgin's food list

Veggie Sushi

Apples- The pectin fiber in apples is great for your gut and detoxifying too. They are also a rich source of the bioflavonoid quercetin, nature's antihistamine.

Freshly ground flaxseed meal- The fiber will keep the hunger hormones ghrelin suppressed ,and it is rich source of alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation.

Green tea- Drink daily to boost your metabolism and load up on antioxidants. The theanine in green tea is also a great natural de-stressor.

Extra virgin olive oil- Add a few tablespoons to your salads and vegetables daily to help lower blood pressure and prevent LDL oxidation.

Berries (all kinds)- Eat a serving of organic blue, black, or red berries daily for antioxidant protection. They also contain ellagic acid, which is protective against cancer.

Sardines- An excellent source of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, without the risks of heavy metals and toxins contained in many large fish. Omega-3s are great for your brain and heart and also help reduce inflammation.

Lentils-A great slow-release carbohydrate source that is rich in fiber and moderate in protein. The fiber helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. A cup of lentil soup as an appetizer is a great appetite suppressant.

Sea Vegetables- These are rich in minerals and are great at detoxifying heavy metals and pesticides. They are also very alkalizing and can help offset the acid load from the Standard American Diet. These might seem a little scary at first, but they area great to sprinkle on a salad, soup, or veggie dish, or you can always visit a Japanese restaurant a few times a week for some nori-wrapped delicacies.

Organic eggs- A great source of complete protein, and the yolk is rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, and choline, a nutrient that is important for the brain and nervous system. Just be sure to eat your eggs soft-boiled or poached to avoid oxidizing the cholesterol in the yolk.

J.J. Virgin, C.N.S., C.H.F.I. was the nutritionist for Dr. Phil's Ultimate Weight Loss challenge and is a nationally recognized expert in the area of weight loss resistance. She was the nutritionist for the season finale of Extreme Makeover.

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth-- Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.


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