Monday, December 9, 2013

Bioidentical Replacement Hormone Therapy

BHRT therapy is a popular approach to relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and low libido.  One reason is bioidentical hormones avoid high doses of estrogen common to conventional HRT drugs like Prempro.  Early research suggests they may even be safer with less breast/uterine cancer risk than traditional drugs.  Common side effects like weight gain and mood swings are often dramatically reduced, too.

Bioidentical hormones are synthesized from plant sources and are chemically identical to what is produced in the body.  Estradiol, estrone, estriol, DHEA, progesterone and testosterone are all available.  Some bioidenticals are FDA approved and sold in a standardized dosage.  However, most are produced on a case-by-case basis.  Your physician tests your blood or saliva in order (sometimes are different time of day) to develop the formula for you to reach a targeted level of hormones.  A compounding pharmacist then produces a customized hormone Rx in the exact proportions that your body needs.

Natural physicians recommend a few follow-up hormone panels to make sure you are getting your relief at the lowest, safest possible dosage.  Some men are also using bioidentical hormones like DHEA and testosterone for help with andropausal issues like low energy, loss of muscles mass and sexual dysfunction.

80 percent of postmenopausal women in the U.S. do not use any form of HRT at all.  Beyond increased cancer risk,  HRT has many unpleasant side effects.  Women taking hormone drugs report weight gain (especially fatty deposits on the hips and thighs), heavy bleeding (worse than former menstrual periods), PMS-like pain, severe leg craps, migraine headaches, uterine and breast fibroids, and low libido.  Unless you have specific, extenuating circumstances (only about 6% of American women do), a natural menopause may be the best.  Even women who don't have a symptom-free menopause say they feel younger and more energetic when they address menopausal changes, naturally. 

Healthy Healing  Linda Page, PH.D., Traditional Naturopath   and   Sarah Abernathy

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