Friday, February 22, 2013

Liver Malfunction and Cellulite Formation

Liver malfunction is directly related to sugar and fat metabolism as a cause of weight gain.

Cellulite is a combination of fat, water and trapped wastes beneath the skin.  When circulation and elimination processes become impaired, connective tissue loses its strength.  Unmetabolized fats and wastes become trapped in pockets just beneath the skin instead of being expelled through normal means.  Over time, the waste materials harden and form the puckering skin effect we know as cellulite.  Because it is unattached material, dieting and exercise alone can't dislodge cellulite.

A liver overloaded with toxic build-up is common today, and it's almost always involved in cellulite formation.  Women are hardest hit by cellulite because their skin fibers are thinner, more delicate than a man's.  Fatty wastes more easily lodge beneath the skin's surface when the liver or lymph system is sluggish.  Try a 2 week course of herbal bitters to regenerate the liver.  Add B complex to assist detox and fat metabolism.  Seaweed body wraps especially help accelerate cellulite release.  Check out a good day spa.

Cellulite blacklist:  all fried, fatty dairy foods.  High caffeine, carbonated sodas, hard liquor.  Red meats.  Extra salty foods (use herbal seasoning instead).

Balance estrogen: add cruciferous veggies like broccoli to keep excess estrogen flushed.  Have Omega-rich fish and seafood twice week.  Have 2 tbsp. chopped dried seaweeds 3 or 4 times a week in soup, salad or rice; or 6 pieces of sushi daily.

Use a dry skin brush or loofah to stimulate lymph glands.  Get a lymphatic massage treatment at the spa to release even more trapped fats.

Healthy Healing --  Linda Page

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