Monday, January 4, 2010

Best to Quit Smoking Today! Most Important New Years Resolution

Here are some tips to help you stop smoking.

.Set a quit date.

.Change the things around you.
Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car and place of work.
Do not let people smoke in your home.

.After you quit, don't smoke--not even a puff!

.Get Medicine To Help You Quit.
You can buy nicotine gum or the nicotine patch at a drug store. You can ask your pharmacist
for more information.

Ask your doctor about other medicines that can help you. Nicotine nasal spray, Nicotine
inhaler, Bupropion SR (pill).

.Get Help.
Tell your family, friends and people you work with that you are going to quit. Ask for
their support.
Talk to your doctor, nurse, or other health care worker. They can help you quit.
Get together with other people who are trying to quit, or join a smoking cessation program.
To find out where to get help in your area, call the American Cancer Society toll-free:

.Helpful Hints To Stay Quit.
If you slip and smoke, don't give up. Set a new date to get back on track.
Avoid alcohol.
Avoid being around smoking.
Eat healthy food and get exercise.
Keep a positive attitude. You can do it!

Nursing Care of the Older Adult-Western Schools-By Suzanne Fitzsimmons, MSN, ARNP

Photo-- Bardot

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