Tofu-made from fermented soy milk, tofu adds richness to recipes while safe-guarding you against disease. New studies show tofu even helps fight prostate cancer; research on 8,000 Hawaiian men (who traditionally have high rates of prostate cancer) shows that the men who eat the mot tofu have the lowest rates of prostate cancer. Tofu is high in protein and lower in fat and calories than meat or poultry.
Tempeh-protein packed cultured soy food, tempeh is made from whole soybeans fermented with a grain like rice of millet It's a good choice for meat eaters evolving into vegetarians, because it's so hearty and filling.
Miso-made from fermented soybean paste, unpasteurized miso (pasteurization kills its active cultures), found in the refrigerated section of Asian food stores and health food stores is the best choice. A true superfood for health, miso is an immune system enhancer that helps neutralize toxins and repress carcinogens. Add miso to broths and sauces with vegetables and immune boosting herbs.
Vinegar-used since ancient times as a preservative to extend the freshness of foods, and as an elixir for health. The Japanese folk remedy Tamago-su (egg vinegar) was consumed by the Samurai as a source of strength and power. Aged wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, brown rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar, raspberry vinegar and herbal vinegars like tarragon vinegar are all good choices in a healing diet. Vinegar, like other cultured food, helps digestive problems like heartburn and gas. It has also effect effectively used in vaginal douches for feminine problems. Just add 2 teasp. of apple cinder vinegar to one cup of warm water for the best results.
Apple Cider Vinegar-is a source of over 30 important nutrients. It contains natural antibiotics and antifungals that fight ear infections, dandruff and athlete's food, even when used externally. It soothes sore throats in a gargle or diluted drink mix. Cider vinegar enhances memory, fights arthritis and promotes weight loss.
Raw Sauerkrat-one of the richest sources of enzymes and lactobacillus; successfully used by natural healers to treat Candida yeast disorders. Sauerkraut regenerates the blood, improves digestion and boosts metabolism. Use it in salads, on sandwiches, rice cakes, pizzas and omelettes. Commercial sauerkrauts are heated which degrades their life-giving enzymes. A raw sauerkraut food like Rejuvenative Foods VEGI-DELITE offers the best healing results.
Thanks to Linda Page's-- Cooking For Healthy Healing
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