Monday, July 13, 2009

Magnificent Vanda

Cooling and relaxing. good for digestion, elimination, headaches, and chronic fatigue. should extend the spine not create rounding. lengthen the spine rather than a deep fold over the legs. can be used to cool and count from back bends. are good at the end of a class to get ready for savasana.
hamstrings, backs of knees, low back. may use prop or other support, especially if one has disc problems.
Paramount to healthy spine. detoxifying and neutralizing. demand great focus to revolve around a central axis, not to torque. good preparation for inversions or back bends and to unwind from either. are cooling after backbends and warming after forward bends. must emphasize extension before rotation. encourage the twist to come from the central body. should not be done by pushing and pulling with the arms and legs. the entire body should revolve around the central axis.
low back, vertebral discs, shoulders, ribs, neck.
Rejuvenating. They give energy and courage, and combat depression. They open the chest and make the spine flexible. The arms and shoulders become strong. The mind and body become alert.
do not do backbends if suffering from heart trouble, high blood pressure, or other serious illnesses, nor during menstruation or in pregnancy.
Yoga the Iyengar Way- Silva, Mira, and Shyam Mehta

1 comment:

  1. so true!!!! i am now learning a lot about and extension and flexion of the vertebral bony structures that make up the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal support alignment structures that become compromised with age. your yogini ed promotes and educates the preventive therapies and adjuncts for many who suffer from chronic degenerative disc disease. so prevalent as we get older and how we can be more proactive to seek alternative approaches for preventive measures to avoid surgical interventions. thanks keppi!
